
The Erin Zona Art Show

I've been thinking for a few months that I needed a new dumb little corner of the internet where I could hang out and keep in touch and so, here it is. I don't need a lot of attention but the interest of one, two, even as many as seven people has been a positive motivator for me and so I'd like to keep that energy going elsewhere and return it where I can. My debut post is about the first art show I have hosted in my house, "The Erin Zona Art Show." Erin is one of the best artists I've ever met. She's interested in everything. It's funny to suffer through your teens and twenties watching people try to be cool and then meet Erin, who possesses a limitless and equal enthusiasm for high culture, low culture, friends, family, whatever. She's so thoughtful and so cool. Her presence is electric. She makes all of her big, beautiful, transcendent artwork by hand, with a compass and a pen. Besides being cool and smart and talented, Erin elevates everyone a